Live from FiltXPO: ATI demonstrates its 100X automated filter tester

Air Techniques International (ATI) presents the 100X automated filter tester.

Air Techniques International - Booth 416
Air Techniques International - Booth 416

The man behind the presentation, Vincent Paez, Director of Global Sales at ATI, wowed FiltXPO attendees with an in-depth look at this technology designed to the test quality control and filter media used in a wide range of applications.

The 100X automated filter tester takes on the essential role of testing and validating flat sheet filter media, respirator cartridges, and masks, primarily catering to the demanding standards of both medical and industrial hygiene sectors. Attendees and fellow exhibitors witnessed the machine in action, gaining firsthand insight into its capabilities.

Vincent Paez delved into the mechanics of the 100X automated filter tester. He emphasised the significance of the "100X mask test adapter," an airtight fixture that securely holds the mask undergoing examination. ‘This adapter allows for the meticulous testing of masks, including N95, KN95, and FFP-style masks, adhering to industry standards. The machine provides two crucial measurements - resistance and penetration, determining the concentration of aerosol upstream and downstream, culminating in the percent penetration,’ he said.

100X automated filter tester

Paez highlights several key benefits of the 100X automated filter tester, such as the machine having a filter efficiency measurement of up to 99.9995%, it also features a 100% sampling aerosol detection system, ensuring accuracy in the results. Moreover, with three flow rate options, offering rates of up to 170 liters per minute (lmp), the 100X automated filter tester caters to various testing needs. Most importantly, it is designed to meet global industry standards.