The company, based in the United States, won the 2014 North American Frost & Sullivan Award for Product Line Strategy Leadership.
The product range includes whole house filters and salt free softeners to point-of-use water-filtration devices. The firm also recently released its Powered Water Filtration system which uses its Claryum technology to retain natural minerals such as calcium and magnesium, while removing heavy metals.
"While traditional pitchers use gravity to slowly trickle water over filter granules, Aquasana's Claryum technology uses power to filter water much faster," said Frost & Sullivan research analyst Vandhana Ravi.
Aquasana has also invested in research projects with the University of Texas specifically to address the need to remove chloramines from tap water. And it has collaborated with the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to achieve a certification for the removal of pharmaceuticals.
"Aquasana has worked with manufacturers of carbon blocks and other filtration media to bring about new media features, improvements, and product developments," added Mr Ravi.