Porvair’s Boise plant in Idaho, USA is now considered to be 100% Clean Energy compliant.
The compliance award means that the Boise division, which is responsible for the manufacture of high purity products for the microelectronics industry, is powered by 100% clean energy, coming from a mix of hydro, wind and solar power.
About 40% of the plant’s energy is local hydroelectricity from Idaho Power. To get to 100% clean, Porvair joined Idaho Power’s Green Power Program to cover the non-hydro portion of its electricity use with wind and solar energy sourced from the US northwest.
Porvair’s participation in the Green Power Program also funds Solar 4R Schools to bring solar power and sustainable energy education to local k-12 students.
Jerry Young, general manager of Porvair’s Boise division, said: “Porvair Filtration Group is committed to working towards a zero carbon future and we are consistently seeking to improve our environmental profile.”
This clean energy initiative aligns with Porvair plc’s Environmental, Social and Governance report (ESG).