ScaleGard Pro H+ water filters from 3M’s Purification Division can treat up to 40 per cent more water per cartridge compared to conventional resin filters, delivering equal performance with potential savings for businesses by extending the filter change interval.
ScaleGard Pro H+ water filters increase treatment capacity by using a modified resin which traps scale-forming minerals to prevent scale build up in the heating elements of vending equipment. Scale prevention helps to maximise the energy efficiency of water heaters and saves the business costs associated with equipment maintenance and downtime.
3M adds that by de-scaling a higher capacity of water per filter, ScaleGard Pro H+ water filters allow equipment operators to extend the time between filter changes without fitting a larger cartridge. At the same time, the new filters benefit from the convenient features of 3M’s established ScaleGard Pro range. These include the Sanitary Quick-Change (SQC) head, which allows fast, leak-free filter replacement with no special tools or training required. The encapsulated, disposable filters are easy and safe to use, and all units feature a carbon-block post filter for chlorine and odour removal.
3M is launching the ScaleGard Pro H+ water filter initially in its standard range. The new SGP145BH (34cm high) filter has 2240 litres treatment capacity compared to 1600 litres for the standard version. The 165BH (41cm) filter is increased to 3173 litres capacity and the 195BH (56cm) filter to 5289 litres. ScaleGard Pro H+ water filters are also available in a non-bypass version providing a cost-effective option for use in steamers and steam arms. Non-bypass versions of the 145H, 165H and 195H filters, have total treatment capacities of 1680 litres, 2380 litres and 3967 litres, respectively. Filter capacities are quoted for 180ppm incoming water hardness.