At IFAT Entsorga from 5 to 9 May GEA exhibited the waterMaster CF 6000 from the ecoforce decanter series.
The “Greener” your Water and Waste Water Treatment, the “Blacker” your Figures GEA Westfalia Separator waterMaster achieves good separation results whether as a stationary or a mobile unit. This applies to the dewatering and thickening of sewage sludge, the treatment of drinking water and the recovery of valuable materials, like nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous. Numerous technical innovations in the GEA Westfalia Separator waterMaster ensure a uniquely favourable energy balance and first-class separation performance.
While earlier generations of decanter centrifuges had two separate frequency converters to drive the bowl and scroll, the waterMaster is controlled by only one frequency converter. The frequency converter of the secondary motor starts the primary motor when the machine starts up. Once the decanter bowl has reached its rated speed, the machine switches to mains operation and the frequency converter is applied to the secondary motor where it now controls the differential speed. This saves one frequency converter in the control unit and eliminates the loss of efficiency caused by a frequency converter. This has allowed energy consumption to be reduced by a further 5%.