FAN Separator GmbH, a subsidiary of the Austrian Bauer Group, presented new solutions for sludge separation which promised not only more hygiene but also operating costs- and time-saving.
The new sludge press SPS 1200 is used in municipal sewage plants and wherever industrial sludge needs to be dewatered as for example in meatpacking, milk and tannery industry. With the new system FAN completes its product range from the pump technology to professional separation.
The new FAN sludge separator SPS 1200 has a drive power of 0,55 KW, the solid matter can achieve a dry mass content of up to 30%. The sludge separator will be used in municipal sewage plants where decanter centrifuges often have been used so far. The aim of the new system is always separating liquid from sludge and so to change their content of humidity, volume and consistency. For example the more sewage sludge is going to get dewatered the cheaper are the disposal and transportation costs.
Essential advantages
The essential advantages compared to decanter centrifuges are their considerably lower energy and maintenance costs and higher dry mass contents. The mostly high operating costs by using decanter centrifuges (15 – 20 KW) can be considerably reduced with the new sludge press separator. Another distinctive feature is the screw of special geometry designed for sludge dewatering.
The processed volume of sludge is approx. 2 m³/h, the peripheral equipment required for pressing of digested sludge such as a flocculant station and an inlet pump can be purchased via the Bauer Group as well.
Overall FAN can offer a complete system to handle this kind of sludge between the 2-4 % dry matter up to 7-9% dry matter.