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GEA wins award for whey separation concept

The IDEAL whey separation concept offered the jury answers to key marketplace issues.
The IDEAL whey separation concept offered the jury answers to key marketplace issues.

The German Agricultural Society (DLG) and its trade partners have recognised GEA at its digital award ceremony on 23 February with the International FoodTec Award in silver for the company’s new IDEAL whey separation concept.

This year, the renowned technology prize was presented to 20 projects from the international food and supply industry. The IDEAL whey separation concept offered the jury answers to key marketplace issues, which include questions about how can dairies operate with even greater success in the future, how can digitalisation be linked to state-of-the-art mechanics in machine engineering and how are today’s technologies being used to conserve resources for tomorrow?

The whey accumulated during cheese production can later be processed into valuable products. To make this process as economically efficient as possible, the whey is optimally pre-treated by first separating the cheese fines, followed by skimming the cream.  GEA’s new, award-winning concept enables more efficient whey clarification and skimming and makes the process more sustainable.

Christian Becker, product manager, Separation Dairy at GEA, explained: “IDEAL whey separation is another milestone in the development of self-optimising centrifuges.”