Fluidra reports that its OC-1 pool filtration medium enhances water quality, as well as saving water and energy. It is designed for use in all types of pools and spas, whether domestic, commercial or intended for hydrotherapy treatments.
The OC-1 filter medium is made of extruded, high density polyethylene to which calcium carbonate is added to reach a specific gravity above 1.12 g/cm3. It is said to be able to trap more debris than any other medium. iIs capacity to trap debris is 20 times that of sand, Fluidra reports.
OC-1 has passed all the tests in compliance with standard EN16713-1 at the IFTS (Institut de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives) with excellent results.
According to Fluidra, the OC-1 medium requires few backwashes, leading to savings in both water and chemical products. Using OC-1 as a filter medium saves energy because pump speed can be reduced or a less powerful pump used. With OC-1, water flow remains constant, even when the filtration medium is dirty. Pumps can therefore be run at slower speeds, resulting in energy savings.
OC-1 is lighter in weight than the filtration media normally used, so it is easier to transport and handle.