Eclipse Magnetics is now offering a full range of ATEX certified sieve magnets to ensure product purity in the food industry.
The sieve magnet is a full stainless-steel design which is fully compatible with industry standard and leading manufacturers of vibratory sieves. Typically positioned beneath the sieve screen in food processing applications including dry powders and granulates, sieve magnets from Eclipse Magnetics allow high levels of separation. Due to the high intensity magnetic field, even sub-micron sized ferrous metal and paramagnetic contamination can be successfully attracted and removed.
Martyn Cotterill, general sales manager for Eclipse Magnetics, said: “Ensuring product quality and purity is one of the greatest challenges faced by the processing industries. Our sieve magnets have a worldwide proven reputation in the food industry, ensuring protection against ferrous contamination, and maintaining efficiency and productivity within the production process.”
Sieve magnets from Eclipse Magnetics can be retrofitted into Russell Finex’s Compact and Farleygreen’s Sievemaster without any modifications, offering a plug and play solution. They are available in 7,000 and 11,000 Gauss on product contact surface.