Hi-Line industries have introduced their HBP (Hi-line Blower Programme) range of adsorption air dryers with zero loss operation and touch-screen technology.A dewpoint of -70°C can be achieved with these products without compressed air loss, and the thermally efficient vessels feature Stucco Rockwall cladding for maximum efficiency. The vessels comply with PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) 97/23EC, with stainless valves and pipework utilised as standard.
Low tariff energy
Desiccant regeneration, with automatic vessel changeover, is achieved using low tariff energy, the waste heat from steam or oil, and the heat by-product of compression. AEMS (Automatic Energy Management System) is incorporated to provide constant analysis of operating parameters and making appropriate adjustments to maintain the optimum operating efficiency. The touch-screen interface provides a permanent display of digital dewpoint, pressure, cycle stepping time together with heater and electrical displays. Remote dial-in control via mobile phone or laptops ensures that maximum operating efficiency is achieved to maintain the lowest possible running costs at the highest performance levels.