Ahlstrom-Munksjö has established a partnership with Italian filter producer Virgis Filter S.P.A for the distribution of a HEPA filtration solution produced by German company Webasto which makes indoor environments safer against Covid-19 and other viral and bacterial organisms.
The launch of the high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) devices HFT300 and HFT600 in Europe in 2020 met the demand for increased protection in vehicles and buildings. Ahlstrom-Munksjö used its filter manufacturing expertise to develop a suitable media for HEPA H14, manufactured in a compact cartridge that forms the core of the Webasto device.
The new HFT 300 and HFT 600 devices combine two main features to reduce viral loads in ambient air. They offer an extremely high virus removal due to the HEPA H14 filters, and generate very high air volume flow for the rapid and complete filtration of the air every minute.
The HFT 300 and HFT 600 devices remove 99.995% of particulates corresponding to SARS/Covid-19 virus sizes (0.1 micrometers), effectively reducing the risk of infection. Ultra-compact and light, the devices can be installed in less than 30 minutes.