Netherlands-based maritime technology company Value Maritime has developed an onboard CO₂ capture and storage solution which uses the company’s Filtree System.
A module captures CO₂ from the vessel’s exhaust and uses it to charge a CO₂ battery from which CO₂ can be charged and discharged. The capture module will be integrated in the Filtree System, a small prefabricated, pre-installed, plug and play gas cleaning system which also filters sulphur and ultra-fine particulate matter.
Value Maritime’s first CO₂ capture module and CO₂ battery will be installed on Visser Shipping’s Nordica vessel, making it the first vessel to capture and store CO₂ onboard a vessel whilst in operation.
The captured CO₂ is used to charge Value Maritime’s CO₂ battery which will be offloaded in ports and transported to CO₂ customers for reuse. After the CO₂ discharge, the CO₂ battery returns to the vessel to be recharged with CO₂.
Value Maritime will start loading and offloading the CO₂ batteries at the Rotterdam Short Sea Terminal and discharge the batteries at greenhouses in Rotterdam Area, where the CO2 will be used to grow crops.