Saltworks Technologies has recently introduced SilicaSelect, part of its IonSelect Solution family, which selectively targets silica in wastewaters while keeping treatment footprint and costs down.
Silica can cause serious problems in water systems. It precipitates at very low concentrations (~0.01%) and can foul membranes or scale cooling towers. Trimming silica levels can enable reprocessing of the wastewater, resulting in more water conserved and less waste brine.
Saltworks combined two of its existing technologies, the ScaleSense selective ion sensor and the BrineRefine chemical softening system, into a package that will remove up to 98% of silica from wastewaters. As a positive side effect, SilicaSelect also de-saturates gypsum (calcium sulphate).
SilicaSelect removes silica through a high pH precipitation process, with solids filtered to 0.1 µm, making SilicaSelect RO water friendly. All solids emerge as a solid filter cake for ease of disposal.
SilicaSelect is a standard packaged product with one size (20 ft skid) and one capacity (120 m3/day). It can be used to reduce silica loads in much larger flows and can remove 20% of silica from 600 m3/day.