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Rivertrace monitor receives DNV GL compliance

Rivertrace’s SMART ESM (Exhaust Scrubber Washwater Monitor) is fully compliant with MEPC 259 (68).
Rivertrace’s SMART ESM (Exhaust Scrubber Washwater Monitor) is fully compliant with MEPC 259 (68).

Rivertrace Ltd, a UK-based developer of smart water quality monitoring technology, has received a statement of compliance from DNV GL for its Exhaust Scrubber Washwater Monitor, the SMART ESM.

Any washwater used by wet scrubber systems to remove pollutants from exhaust gas must be monitored to ensure it meets IMO regulations for water quality parameters prior to discharge to the ocean.  Rivertrace’s SMART ESM, already onboard several vessels, is a washwater monitor that measures and records the regulated water quality parameters PAH, turbidity, temperature and pH on open-loop, closed-loop and hybrid scrubber systems. The system enables ship operators to monitor washwater water quality parameters in real time at both the inlet and outlet, allowing continuous compliance within IMO washwater discharge limits. The newly received DNV GL statement of compliance for SMART ESM certifies that the monitoring system operates with an acceptable accuracy for the measurement of PAH, turbidity, pH and temperature within the ranges required by MEPC 259(68). This provides assurance to scrubber manufacturers and the wider industry that the SMART ESM is reliable and provides accurate monitoring of washwater while a scrubber is in operation.