Nearly every metal machining operation generates oil mist and smoke, which have a negative effect not only on employee health, but also on production equipment and overall business revenue. There is, however, a fundamental difference between mist and smoke that presents a significant challenge in metal machining operations. Oil mist is comprised of liquid droplets generally up to 20 microns in size. With higher machine speeds and pressure, the mist drops get so small that a liquid smoke, containing droplets less than 1 micron, can be created. Capturing these extremely small droplets requires specially treated and highly efficient filters.Nederman says its FibreDrain technology is the key to efficient oil mist filtration in metal machining applications. The composition of the FibreDrain filters makes it possible to capture even the smallest submicron droplets and drain them back to the process with maintained filtration efficiency. The high fluid drainage capacity ensures maximum coolant retrieval and reduces coolant consumption. Nederman says its FibreDrain design secures long filter life and thus low operating cost. A wide range of filter compositions are available to suit most applications.