Certification was completed under the product's original name, MRI BIO-Cel® MBR. The MeurerMBR from Meurer Research Inc is a back-pulsable flexible flat-sheet membrane bioreactor.
Equipped with the new chemical-free Mechanical Cleaning Process (MCP), Meurer Research says that the MeurerMBR outperformed Title 22 requirements in all areas, with excellent filtrate turbidity not exceeding 0.1 NTU, and a 4.0-log removal of virus at 50th percentile.
Engineering firm MWH conducted Title 22 certification testing and subsequently selected MeurerMBR and the optional granular-bead MCP for a WateReuse Research Foundation study. The study is designed to develop new disinfection guidelines for satellite MBR water recycling facilities, and seeks to develop more stringent guidelines attainable with the higher quality effluent produced by MBRs.
Several patented advances have improved MeurerMBR's effluent quality, including the mechanical cleaning process, BIO-Cel® -MCP, which removes membrane deposits without using toxic chemicals and maintains membrane permeability. Also, flexible flat-sheet membranes with .04-micron pores provide true ultrafiltration, says Meurer Research.
MeurerMBR's BIO-Cel® membranes are made with a unique, full-sheet permeable bond that retains flexibility and makes them strong enough to withstand back-flushing without damage, unlike hollow fibre or other flat-plate MBRs.