The latest issue of Filtration+Separation magazine is now available, and highlights include the story of a coastal community which reduced pollutants from waterways before it discharged into a lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef and a look at a technology which increases the surface area of filter media.
Click here to read the latest digital edition of Filtration+Separation magazine.
In this issue:
Improving data to protect aquatic life
A look at how a coastal community reduced pollutants from waterways before they were discharged into a lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef.
Filter media high surface area aids water treatment
News of a technology which increases the surface area of filter media.
Re-evaluation helps meet sustainability goals
One company re-evaluated its filtrate pump systems and found a solution to help meet sustainability targets and improve productivity.
Microlitre filter crucible fights microplastics
A microlitre filter crucible with Optimized Dutch Weave is helping scientists investigate the effects of microplastics on the environment.
Plus, the latest business and product announcements from the filtration and separation industry.
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