The new Envirogen system will allow coal mine operators to treat flows that start at less than 100 gallons per minute (gpm) to lower than 5 μg/L selenium at discharge, even with high levels of nitrate. The small system FBR system can be automated and delivered in standard-sized ISO containers to difficult-to-reach locations that require minimal site preparation and engineering, and can be monitored remotely. The new approach offers coal mine operators the ability to treat selected mining water outfalls with a relatively low initial capital expenditure and the flexibility to relocate the systems to meet changing treatment goals.
Envirogen entered the coal mining selenium treatment business in 2011 with its FBR technology. The company now offers containerized and built-in-place FBR systems that can be sized to treat a wide range of flows and influent water compositions, ranging from under 100 gpm to well over 3000 gpm.