Clarcor adds that Nano-Pak features high performing filtration media - NanoWave® - and can delivers high mechanical filtration performance over the entire life of the filter, even after the most challenging discharge techniques. Clarcor Air Filtration Products says that it is the only major HVAC manufacturer of this bag which has good dust-holding capacity and low pressure drop. Available in MERV 16/16A and MERV 15/15A, Clarcor explains that Nano-Pak is a robust filter suitable for all environments and offers high performance, low energy costs and a long service life.According to Clarcor, the expanded synthetic bag line now delivers ‘Good’, ‘Better’ and ‘Best’ options, which means the right bag filter can be picked to meet requirements. Clean-Pak™ and Serva-Pak S™ comprise the ‘Good’ offering which provides basic functionality. The Defiant® bag makes up the ‘Better’ offering. With new, exclusive media and improved performance, the new Defiant now holds more dust with a lower pressure drop, says the company. The latest addition, the new Nano-Pak, is the highest-performing, ‘Best’ offering.