Røros municipality has upgraded its water treatment plant for NOK 10 million (EUR 1.3 million) with biofilm technology from Biowater Technology. The solution is based on the company's biological treatment systems with moving carriers that operate under arctic conditions. "Our goal is to develop a sustainable destination for tourists from all parts of the world. That’s why it was natural for us to choose the greenest purification technology," says Marit Gilleberg, Technical Manager. The heart of the purification plant consists of two bioreactors developed by Biowater that clean wastewater for organic dissolved material using their own bio-elements flowing freely around the reactors. As Røros municipality is on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites for historic mining, as well as sought after by sports fishermen. Effluent must look clear and be clean. It is our goal and requirement to affect Glomma as little as possible this is Norway's main river," says Arnfinn Vestengen, Plant Manager. The challenge of Røros is the cold winters (down to -40°C), which means trials for both technical equipment and living cultures. Over the past few years, climate effects have led to fluctuations in precipitation and temperature, which occasionally result in high dilution of drains and extreme variation in temperature. "The solution selected also works under the new climate conditions. The process was designed with Norwegian developed bio-elements selected precisely to be able to maintain the purification effect under demanding conditions. By basing ourselves on biological principles, we reduce the use of chemicals. In this way, the new purification solution reduces our total CO2 emissions compared to other solutions", says Vestengen. The purification plant handles sewage from approximately 3,000 person equivalents (p.e.), as well as wastewater from the slaughterhouse and dairy, which gives a total purification need equivalent to 4,000 p.e. The biological process is designed for 10.000 p.e. "We are very pleased with the technical purification solution and not least that the process is now inside a closed facility. That has resulted in a positive new working environment for our operators. We are pleased with the way Biowater Technology has delivered the purification plant," concludes Arnfinn Vestengen.