ADI has secured a contract at Hanga Roa Hotel to treat its wastewater. The design of the new system is underway and will be operational for the 2009-2010 tourist season, providing such a high quality treated wastewater that it can be directly discharged to a local stream.
ADI uses its ADI-MBR technology which has a proven track record for producing exceptional quality wastewater. It also is a very compact system, occupying a small footprint.
Chile’s Isla de Pascua (Easter Island-Rapa Nui to locals) is a small volcanic outcrop in the remote South Pacific. Due to its remote location, environmental protection is paramount. The island’s sensitive environment and limited fresh water resources present a challenge to locals and to the tourism industry.
ADI technology, the ADI-MBR, has proved a significant benefit to this dilemma between tourism and the environment.