The IonPure LX-45Z module incorporates Siemens’ non-chemically regenerated CEDI technology, while incorporating less expensive, industrial chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) materials of construction. By adding additional CEDI cells, the module is capable of higher flow rates for RO permeate polishing without the cost premium imposed by stringent pharmaceutical material compliance. The 50% flow capacity increase per module significantly reduces the number of pipe connections needed in systems using multiple modules. This results in simplified water system integration, ease in mounting to a polishing skid and lower capital cost.
The Ion Pure LX-45Z from Siemens offers key benefits to customers in the hydrocarbon/chemical processing, power, electronics and laboratory markets, such as a 50% higher flow rate in a single module, compared to earlier LX modules. The LX-45Z module also offers a compact design, cost-effective materials and robust, double o-ring construction.