The acquisition of Apliclor is part of Severn Trent Services’ plan to significantly grow its business in Europe. “As Severn Trent Services expands its business throughout Europe, our acquisition of PS Apliclor SA is a key part of our growth strategy. Apliclor is a strong company that has consistently grown its revenues over the past five years. It is highly regarded for its commitment to its customers and the quality of its offerings, which now include additional Severn Trent Services filtration, disinfection and instrumentation products,” said Alex Lloyd, managing director, Severn Trent Services Operations.
“We have substantially grown our European business in just the past two years, and we are poised for even greater success in the future. Apliclor has worked with Severn Trent successfully on some of the region’s largest water and wastewater projects, and our combined experience and resources have enabled us to win several new projects over the past 12 to 18 months.”
The two companies have previously won a number of contracts for TETRA LP Blocks rapid gravity dual parallel lateral filter floors from Spanish contractors.