When the low-lying villages of Sasa and Natunuku in Fiji experienced flooding in January, the communities were left with no access to clean water for weeks at a time, leaving them reliant on contaminated water.
The Point One filter, donated by the Fiji Water Foundation and Give Clean Water, removes 99.999% of all bacteria, protozoa and cysts and comes with a one million gallon guarantee.
A village nurse in the Sasa Village said "this will be an immense help to us. We often have water cuts and we have to walk to get water from the Indian family down the road. During the floods we only had the river. Now we can use this filter to drink river water or rain water. I will encourage everyone to use this," she said.
The Fiji Water Foundation has donated US$30,000 toward the installation of 300 water filters in homes in the Ba area. Give Clean Water has installed more than 1000 household water filters in communities around Ba since 2008 and aims to install a filter in every home in Fiji in the next ten years.