Pervatech says that its investment plan comprises a redesign of the present product portfolio, a scale up of the production capacity and relocation to a new facility. Work on the new building has begun and the relocation of activities is scheduled for the end of this year. Pervatech says that the new facility will provide extra production capability for a new membrane design based on a 4-hole 120 cm long ceramic element. The company’s core activities are the development, production and marketing and sales of ceramic membranes for both hydrophilic and organophilic separation processes. Pervatech adds that its products are increasingly used in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Typical applications include dehydration of solvents, azeotrope separation and the enhancement of chemical condensation reactions in aggressive environments. The membranes are stable in water at high temperatures, in (a)protic solvents and in the presence of acids and can be used both in stand-alone solutions and in add-on hybrid systems.