Our top filtration stories in July

Featuring SWM, Neenah, Mativ, Keppel and Pall.

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SWM’s merger with Neenah, Keppel’s membrane pilot in Singapore and Pall technology in a new plant-based protein facility were the most popular news stories on the Filtration+Separation website in July.


1. SWM, Neenah complete merger and form Mativ

Mativ Holdings Inc has announced the completion of the merger of specialty materials manufacturers Schweitzer-Mauduit International Inc (SWM) and Neenah Inc.


2. Keppel to pilot Singapore’s first membrane-based nearshore floating PV system at Jurong Island


Keppel Infrastructure’s wholly owned subsidiary, Keppel Energy Nexus Pte Ltd (Keppel) has been awarded a grant from the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and JTC, to pilot Singapore’s first membrane-based nearshore floating solar photovoltaic (PV) system at Jurong Island.


3. Pall Corporation's filtration technology plays critical role in EverGrain's new large-scale protein facility

Pall Corporation has supplied the filtration solution for EverGrain's new large-scale plant-based protein facility in St Louis, Missouri. EverGrain’s new facility focuses on upcycling brewer's saved grains with Pall Membralox Microfiltration System, which uses ceramic membranes with gradient permeability to purify the valuable protein.