The show will run alongside MCE – MOSTRA CONVEGNO EXPOCOMFORT, the biennial exhibition for residential and industrial installations, HVAC and renewable energies which will take place from 13 – 16 March 2018 at Fiera Milano.
The BIE will be launched by Reed Exhibitions Italia, the Italian arm of Reed Exhibitions, a part of the RELX Group and focuses on heating systems and thermal power production through direct combustion of wood pellets, wood chips and other sources of dry biomass.
Visitors can see examples of biomass heating systems and solutions for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors including stoves, fireplaces, wood pellet boilers and cookers, thermos-fireplaces, thermo-stoves, accessories, burners, barbecues, chimney flues, and the most groundbreaking machines and technologies.
With two shows running at the same time, there will be improved visibility for a number of companies manufacturing biomass wood-burning heating equipment and systems that regularly exhibit at MCE - MOSTRA CONVEGNO EXPOCOMFORT. It also offers an opportunity to meet face to face with the key players from across the sector, as well as 155,000 qualified professionals in the sanitary and HVAC&R industries, from nearly 141 countries around the world, that every two years turn to MCE as the international benchmark event.
BIE - BIOMASS INNOVATION EXPO 2018, will be in Hall 10 of Fiera Milano between 13 – 16 March 2018.