The Cambridge EnTech Reeltration System (RTS) is claimed to clean various types of particulate from the air stream and serves as a primary particulate control device for applications that generate nuisance dust, carry over, and emissions concerns.According to Cambridge EnTech, the Reeltration System is ideally suited for the biomass energy market as the primary particulate matter control device for small to mid-size projects and is a less expensive alternative to ESPs or baghouses. The new system complies with federal and state emissions regulations with a low cost per ACFM, while providing an inexpensive solution to address NIMBY (‘not in my backyard’) concerns. In short, the Reeltration System makes smaller biomass projects feasible that might not otherwise get off the ground.Filter media is used to capture particulate matter (PM) and is mounted on a reel-to-reel system in which the media exits the treatment area as PM is collected. The collected PM is removed from the media using a Clean-In-Place (CIP) system, and clean filter media is returned to the treatment area for further PM capture. The cleaned gas passes through the media and support system, into the exit chamber of the RTS.The Reeltration System is fully automated and works in a continuous process and specialises in capturing fine, course, wet, sticky, oily, low and high density particulate. Available in a variety of system configurations and customisable per application, the RTS is also designed to recapture valuable particulate for reuse.