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LiqTech secures first US-based oil & gas produced water order

LiqTech International Inc has received an order for a containerized pilot system for produced water treatment from Razorback Direct Oilfield Solutions and Services LLC.

Image © Oleksii Sergieiev - stock.adobe.com.

This is LiqTech’s first US-based oil & gas produced water order.

Earlier this year, LiqTech entered into a distribution agreement with Razorback Direct to commercialize its produced water treatment filtration for re-injection and reuse, as well as lithium harvest in the US including in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

The containerized pilot system that Razorback Direct has acquired will be used at a customer site to test, demonstrate and document the efficiency of LiqTech’s ultrafiltration technology in treating produced water to facilitate beneficial industrial reuse and meet current and future regulatory requirements. Longer term, the strategic intention is to use the results from this pilot operation as the basis to design and implement full-scale commercial systems for the onshore oil & gas application in the US.

The pilot system leverages LiqTech’s silicon carbide ceramic membranes technology and is similar, yet further developed from, the commercial test unit that was deployed in May 2022 in the Middle East. The Middle East system has been successfully operating for the past two years, with more than 99% of the feedwater passing through delivered back as clean brine (permeate), exceeding the performance requirements originally defined by the end user.

“Produced water treatment for the onshore gas & oil industry in the US is one of the key strategic focus areas for LiqTech,” said Fei Chen, CEO of LiqTech. “We are pleased that our distribution agreement with Razorback Direct signed only a month ago has already resulted in a highly interesting pilot project that we believe will potentially pave the way for full-scale implementation of our technology."