LANXESS’ Liquid Purification Technologies’ business unit will be introducing its new Lewabranehigh performance (HP) membranesat the 2019 Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition (MTC), which takes place in New Orleans from 26-28 February.
Part of the company’s expanded portfolio of water purification membranes, the LewabraneRO B400 HP and Lewabrane RO B440 HP elements include enhanced brackish water processing capabilities for applications where high rejection and energy efficiency are important.
With an average salt rejection of 99.7% (at 2,000 ppm NaCl; 15.5 bar/225 psi) and high permeability, LewabraneHP membranes are a further development of the high cross-linked polyamide membrane which Lanxess launched in 2012.
Controlling the degree of polyamide cross-linking during production provides a small effective pore size that results in high rejection of solutes, regardless of their charge. Dr. Jens Lipnizki, head of Technical Marketing Membranes in the Liquid Purification Technologies business unit, explained: “By optimisation of the process, the flux could be improved without compromising permeate quality. Therefore, high rejection, even at changing feed parameters like pH or salinity, can be achieved at high flux rate.”