Canada’s H2O Innovation Inc has been awarded five new projects in North America, including a pilot for the Los Angeles County Sanitation District, in contracts worth C$4.7 million.
H2O Innovation will supply a 3-train FiberFlex™ ultrafiltration/microfiltration (UF/MF) and 3-stage nanofiltration (NF) pilot for the Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD) to be used for operator training.
The Canadian company has also secured two municipal projects in Texas. The first, for a private developer in Texas, is for a packaged plant membrane bioreactor (MBR) system, treating 100 000 GPD (378.5 m3/day) of wastewater effluents. The second is for the expansion of a reverse osmosis (RO) system, where H2O Innovation will add two RO trains to the existing system in order to treat 5.0 MGD (18 927 m3/day).
H2O Innovation has also won two industrial RO projects, one in Calgary, Canada and another in Arizona, USA. The Calgary project consists of a double pass RO system and a 3000 bbl treated water storage tank. The treated water is for amine make-up water. The Arizona project will use two RO trains designed by H2O Innovation, at 0.3 MGD (1136 m3/day) per train, to treat well water for chloride reduction in a mining application.