Ecolab has introduced its new precision dispensing system for membranes, an accurate cleaning chemical dispenser that helps improve worker safety, drive productivity and extend asset life for whey processors.
The new membrane cleaning system is part of Ecolab’s Ultrasil Membrane Program, which provides chemistries, automation and technical support. The system uses advanced flow-based sensors to accurately dispense cleaning chemicals. It has separate dispensing modules for acid and alkaline chemistries to help eliminate non-compatible chemical interactions and can dose cleaning chemicals for up to five membrane systems within a plant.
It provides chemical dosing accuracy within +/- 20 ml to maximise cleaning performance. Increased dosing accuracy helps to ensure system cleanliness and improve product quality.
Vaidee Sivaswamy, director of Research, Development & Engineering at Ecolab, said: “Membrane systems are a high-value unit operation for dairy, cheese and whey manufacturers. It’s important that they are cleaned according to the recommended wash procedure every single time to maintain throughput and life span.”
The system includes a web-based reporting dashboard that provides details of chemical usage for each membrane system using the dispenser.