Asahi Kasei Medical launches Planova FG1 next-generation virus removal filter

Asahi Kasei Medical has introduced the Planova FG1, a next-generation virus removal filter featuring higher flux for the manufacture of biotherapeutics. 

The new Planova FG1 next-generation virus removal filter.
The new Planova FG1 next-generation virus removal filter.

Developed to maximize productivity in the process of manufacturing biopharmaceuticals, Planova FG1 provides high performance in terms of the filtration speed and robustness in virus removal capability. Its high flux is approximately 7 times that of Planova BioEX, enabling virus filtration time to be shortened, and it features less risk of virus breakthrough when the filtration process is suspended.

Customer evaluation in the development stage of Planova FG1 confirmed high protein filtration and virus removal performance under various conditions using several solutions, even without a prefilter to remove aggregates. Planova FG1 is also compatible with standard cleaning in place (CIP) and sterilization in place (SIP) processes, allowing it to be used with many types of existing equipment for biopharmaceutical manufacturing.

Following the October 2024 start of mass production and shipment of smaller filters of Planova FG1, Asahi Kasei Medical will successively extend the product lineup with new filters having larger surface areas to support its customers in efficiently scaling up their process. By adding Planova FG1 to its broad lineup of products, Asahi Kasei Medical will further solidify the presence of the Planova brand among biopharmaceutical manufacturers and contribute to the safer and more efficient production of pharmaceuticals.