The PureSOx 2.0 update is easier to place and has lower installation costs, and has the option of powder dosing in closed-loop mode.
The diameter of the absorber, which forms the bulk of the scrubber body, has been reduced by around 15% and the control system is 50% smaller than the previous version.
The water cleaning unit used in closed-loop mode is also more modular in PureSOx 2.0, with equipment now distributed across three skids. These can be loaded onto the vessel separately.
Engine burden
PureSOx 2.0 is designed to handle boiler exhaust, which removes the need for an additional exhaust gas cleaning system when the boiler is fired with HFO. It makes it possible for a single scrubber to handle the exhaust from main engines, auxiliary engines and boilers.
The scrubber update can now be positioned before the silencer, rather than after as previously required, easing the burden on the engine.
Powder dosing, which applies to both closed-loop and hybrid configurations. When running in closed-loop mode, the circulation water must be dosed with an alkaline additive. Up to now this has always been the liquid additive caustic soda, but in PureSOx 2.0 a powder like sodium bicarbonate can be used instead. Taken aboard dry and loaded into a silo, the powder is mixed with desalinated water before entering the closed-loop circuit.