The US Coast Guard type approval is for usage in all water salinities, including fresh water. It follows two and a half years of compliance testing, according to the strict demands of the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Environmental Technology Verification” (EPA ETV) testing protocol. The tests were performed at DHI’s test facilities in Denmark, supervised by DNV GL as the independent laboratory.
Alfa Laval PureBallast, developed in cooperation with Wallenius Water, was the first chemical-free solution for ballast water treatment certified by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Alfa Laval PureBallast system.
The Ballast Water Convention was ratified in September this year and come into force on September 8, 2017. On this date newly built vessels must have a ballast water treatment systems installed while existing vessels need to install a ballast water treatment system during their next dry-dock, which will have to be within a five-year