Tri-Tech’s upgrade to the Kuitun central wastewater treatment plant will decrease pollution discharged from the plant allowing it to meet Class 1B standards. The new wastewater treatment plant to the east of the existing central wastewater treatment plant is designed to meet Kuitin’s increasing wastewater treatment requirements. The plant will have a daily treatment capacity of 60,000 m³. Tri-Tech will use its anoxic/aerobic biological nitrogen removal process to meet Class 1B standards.
The scope of Tri-Tech’s work for these two wastewater treatment plants includes procurement and installation of complete sets of processing equipment, technical personnel training, equipment fabrication inspection and commissioning and post-installation services. Tri-Tech expects to complete process equipment procurement for the central wastewater treatment plant by the end of 2010 and complete construction of the east wastewater treatment plant by first half of 2011.
Tri-Tech’s project will be financed by an Official Development Assistance (ODA) Loan under an agreement between China’s Ministry of Finance and Japan’s Bank for International Cooperation.
Warren Zhao, CEO of Tri-Tech said: “We are excited to be awarded our first wastewater treatment project funded by an international financial organization since Tri-Tech became a public company. With a disposal rate of 100%, the operation of this wastewater treatment facility will greatly improve the environmental quality of Kuitun City.”