Toray Industries’ new TORAYFIL HFU-B2315AN is a pressurised PVDF ultrafiltration (UF) membrane module for applications such as drinking water, water reuse and pre-treatment of seawater RO systems.
Toray's new membrane module applies advanced PVDF membrane chemistry and the thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) spinning method to carefully control the pore size and evenly distribute the number of pores on the membrane surface. The result is a hollowfibre membrane with fine separation of viruses, bacteria, and suspended solids, low fouling, and high permeability.
The company says the new UF module has the tightest pore size (0.01 µm) in the industry and is chemically tolerant, giving operational longevity. It offers high mechanical tensile strength of the hollowfibre for minimal fibre breakage and a higher packing density (60 m2) per module allows for compact system design and increased flux rates saving capital and operational expenditure for new or retrofit installations.