Tidal Vision develops sustainable water treatment

US-based chitosan manufacturer, Tidal Vision, has developed a cost effective and eco-friendly water treatment called Tidal Clear, which can displace toxic chemicals currently used in water clarification for food processing and to treat storm and wastewater.

Tidal Clear is made from chitosan, a natural and abundant biopolymer derived from discarded crab shells.
Tidal Clear is made from chitosan, a natural and abundant biopolymer derived from discarded crab shells. - monregard - stock.adobe.com

Tidal Clear is made from chitosan, a natural and abundant biopolymer derived from discarded crab shells, which binds to and removes pollutants, leaving behind no toxic residue in the clarified water. The resulting sludge can also be upcycled for fertilizer, animal food and protein recovery, adding economic value to wastewater by-products. Their non-hazmat and ready-to-use liquid can be added to existing infrastructure and works faster, more efficiently, and is cleaner and safer than traditional metal coagulants alone. 

Tidal Vision pledges to only use by-products from sustainably managed fisheries to help ensure our ocean’s resources exist for generations to come. Its technology uses crab shells and removes pollutants which threaten the environment when concentration on the ocean floor and displaces toxic, synthetic chemicals that are harmful to health and the environment.

The company’s technology is creating positive environmental and systemic change by making chitosan solutions lower cost, and better performing than toxic, synthetic chemicals. It also encourages sustainable fishing practices by purchasing discarded by-products only from sustainably managed fisheries.

Its green, sustainable chitosan extraction process is substantially lower cost than the traditional extraction process with zero waste.