Tetra Pak recently launched a low-energy processing line for juice, nectar and still drinks (JNSD) which uses a combination of pasteurisation, filtration and UV light technology to treat beverages in two separate streams, which are aseptically blended together into the final beverage.
Instead of pasteurising the whole volume of the product, the new production line separates out water and pasteurises only the concentrate. Water is treated separately with filtration and UV light which reduces energy consumption by up to 67% and water consumption used for cleaning-in-place, sterilisation and product change-over is cut by up to 50%.
Maria Norlin, subcategory manager JNSD & Other Beverages, Tetra Pak, said: "We realised that we needed to rethink JNSD processing and find a more sustainable solution, that at the same time still provides a high level of food safety & quality assurance for our customers." She added: “Our decision to split the existing JNSD line into two separate processing streams for treatment allows us to offer our customers processing options that can help them achieve their climate goals, and enables the industry to contribute towards global sustainability efforts."