Siltbuster Process Solutions (SPS) has provided equipment for a special trial project using its lamella clarifiers to treat a raw water supply.
The client is trialling different chemical dosing set ups over several weeks to generate data for a thorough review. For the pilot, SPS provided a solution which included a flow meter, pH probe, chemical reactions tank with dedicated mixers, a settlement tank and a sludge tank. It also needed to treat an initial flow rate of approximately 1 m3/hr so it installed one of its integrated iHB10 lamella clarifier units on site.
The lamella clarifier uses a series of inclined plates, providing a large effective settling area for a relatively small footprint. The inlet flow enters the mix tank where the coagulant and pH correction are added. The water is then overflowed into another mix tank where polymer is added, and the chemically treated water enters the clarifier. The solid particles settle on the plates and accumulate in collection hoppers. The sludge is then drawn off the bottom of the hoppers and the clarified liquid exits the unit.