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Hatenboer-Water opens new branch in Singapore

Guy Heijnen will be managing director of the branch. He has fulfilled several functions at the head office in the Netherlands since 2000, and was until recently manager Sales & Water Quality. Hatenboer-Water has chosen to locate the branch close to the construction locations of many of their end-user clients.“The economic impact of a need to clear an offshore vessel or rig of personnel because of the bad quality of the water on board, for example as a result of legionella, is enormous,’ says Willem Buijs, chief executive officer of Hatenboer-Water. “This is being recognised with increasing frequency by our clients, and it entails our being involved at an early stage in the design of the water installation and management systems, the disinfection systems, the pipework, the tap points, and the management plans. Since many new builds and retrofits take place in Asia, and because of our wish to provide expert guidance in these projects for both the shipyards and the end-users, we now have an operational base in Singapore. In addition, it is advantageous to many end-users that we have a regional basis to support their operations in that region.”