First installation of industrial biothermic digester

Advetec’s Bio-Thermic Digester being fed with mixed solid waste at RWR’s Bow recycling plant.
Advetec’s Bio-Thermic Digester being fed with mixed solid waste at RWR’s Bow recycling plant.

The system has been built for Regional Waste Recycling (RWR), which collects the majority of the liquid waste within the M25 area, treats over 300,000 litres of gully, septic tank, flood and industrially contaminated water and 150 Tonnes of municipal waste daily. After trialling a smaller Bio-Thermic Digester, Advetec supplied and installed the new, industrial scale machine, which will process up to 33 tonnes of organic waste within 72 hours.

“The smaller machine was regularly turning over 90% of organic waste into clean water and dry powder, so we’re confident that the new, larger machine will cope with the huge volumes of solid sludge/organic waste we receive every day,” said John Edwards, director of RWR.

The digester features bio-stimulant technology to invigorate and speed up the digestion process and uses continuous remote monitoring to improve the processing environment.

Reducing process

From RWR’s materials recycling facility black bag waste is shredded, crushed and segregated with the majority of heavy pieces of glass, sand, metal and plastics removed. The waste is then delivered in tankers to Stratford where the tromelled waste is washed to remove more sand, glass, metal and then entered into a centrifuge to separate the waste into solid and liquid.  The organic waste then will go via hoppers and augers into Advetec's Bio-Thermic Digester. Heat from beneath the digester will maintain a controlled temperature and this, together with a regulated air supply and doses of proprietary bio nutriments, will remove moisture and promote oxygenation to reduce hard carbon particulates, fast. Finally residual metal, glass and plastics are removed, while the remaining organics are reduced to a fine, sterile powder.