MicroC Premium Carbon Sources are green chemicals which are used by municipal and industrial wastewater facilities, primarily for removal of nitrogen. The MicroC line from Environmental Operating Solutions offers improved safety; MicroCg and MicroCglycerin are completely nonflammable, nontoxic and 100% green products, made from natural, renewable sources of agricultural raw materials. The MicroC line allows plant operators to optimise their dosing rates during plant start-up, maximising nitrate removal while minimizing chemical costs. Applications for the MicroC line include a broad range of biological contaminant removal, including nitrogen removal and BOD supplementation.
Existing investor in Environmental Operating Solutions (EOSi), Stuart Mill Venture Partners was joined by new institutional investors MidPoint Food & Ag Fund and Meidlinger Partners.
Eric Stoermer, president & CEO of EOSi, said: “We are excited to add two new institutional investors to the company and look forward to continue expanding our customer base within municipal and industrial customer segments. In addition to supporting growth within our core market for biological nitrogen removal, we will utilize the capital to develop new products and pursue new application areas, including the application of our products within denitrification filters (and other ‘fixed film’ technologies), groundwater remediation and drinking water systems.”