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Enviro Voraxial to supply separators for produced water duties

A Voraxial 2000 separator system and a Voraxial 4000 separator will be installed at a Latin American oil company’s production facility for bulk oil/water/solids separation.

They will be used for the separation of oil and sand from produced water at the customer’s onshore production facility.

This is the first order that Enviro Voraxial Technology has received from this customer and discussions are underway for potentially more units in different locations.

Enviro Voraxial Technology is expecting to achieve additional installations in 2013 as the Voraxial systems are being deployed for both offshore and onshore production facilities in various applications, including produced water, fracturing, refinery and tar sands.

“We believe that the Voraxial’s continued exposure to the industry, coupled with these installations and our growing relationships with our customers will result in more project opportunities and deployments in the near future. We are excited about this relationship, as well as its future potential,” said John DiBella, CEO of Enviro Voraxial Technology.