The filtration device can help process a wide range of difficult high-solids water in wastewater treatment in multiple industry segments. These range from industrial wastewater treatment and reuse applications in the food and beverage, pulp and paper, and textiles and laundry markets to oil and gas applications and mobile water treatment systems.
The Tequatic Plus combines continuous cleaning, cross-flow filtration with centrifugal separation and solids collection in one device. Unlike other technologies, it can consistently treats water containing total suspended solids (TSS) up to 10,000 mg/L – even in the presence of fats, oils, greases and fibres, and in variable conditions without constant plugging –delivering a water recovery that is typically 99% or more, according to Dow.
The R&D 100 Awards identify and celebrate the top technology products of the year. Past winners have included testing equipment, new materials, chemistry breakthroughs, biomedical products, consumer items, and high-energy physics.