Current chief financial officer Steve Schott has been promoted to executive vice president of the newly formed Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Equipment (AMME) Division, while senior vice president Jim Coccagno has been promoted to executive vice president of the newly formed Core Carbon and Services (CCS) Division.
AMME will manage the Specialty Carbon business unit in North America and the Global UV technologies business unit. Chemviron Carbon, a registered branch of Calgon Carbon located in Europe, will report to this division.
CCS will focus on traditional Industrial and Municipal markets in North America – including reactivation – and will have global oversight for the Asian and LATAM regions.
Virgin production sites will be overseen by Schott and AMME, and US reactivation sites by Coccagno and CCS.
“This essentially does three things; it positions us for future growth, it effectively utilizes our intellectual and capital assets, and finally it brings additional clarity to the management of the bottom line,” said Randy Dearth, chairman, president and CEO of Calgon Carbon.