The American Filtration and Separations Society (AFS) has announced that a booth selection meeting for the AFS FiltCon 2019 will take place at the AFS 2018 Fall Conference in September.
The meeting will be held on 12 September from 8.15 – 9.15am, and the room location will be announced in the programme book onsite. Sales for the WFC 13 Exhibition and Sponsorship will also be available at this time. AFS FiltCon 2019 will be held in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, from 1 – 3 April 2019. The conference website will be launching soon.
The 13th World Filtration Congress (WFC 13), also organised by the AFS, will take place at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel in San Diego, California, from 20 – 24 April 2020. WFC13 will have both an exhibition and technical programme on filtration and separation and its purpose is to foster a forum for scientists, engineers and practitioners in the world working on filtration and separation to meet and share the latest advances and technologies.
If you are interested in a FiltCon 2019 Booth or WFC13 Sponsorship or Exhibition Space, contact Ed Gregor