Aquaporin Inside’s TWRO flat sheet membrane and elements are now certified by NSF International, which means they are approved for usage in drinking water systems.
Aquaporin is the first company in Scandinavian to achieve the NSF International NSF/ANSI 58: Drinking Water Treatment Units. Its flat sheet membrane and elements for residential and commercial use are now certified to NSF/ANSI 58-2017 as well as NSF/ANSI 372-2016, while its flat sheet and industrial sized elements are certified to NSF/ANSI 61-2017 and NSF/ANSI 372-2016.
The company said the certification will speed up the commercial development of the Aquaporin Inside Tap Water Reverse Osmosis technology.
To achieve certification, Aquaporin had to pass a stringent evaluation and to maintain that certification, an annual audit and periodic testing will be performed by NSF. Dorthe Møller, head of Quality, Environmental, Health, and Safety (QEHS) at Aquaporin, said: “Continued improvements, secured standards and quality in our products and business is a shared requirement and ambition for Aquaporin and any certifying company.”