Adionics introduces selective extraction technology for desalination

According to Adionics, Selectex is able to extract families of ions in line with Mendeleev classification columns, such as alkali metals (cations+) or alkaline earth metals (cations++). However, in addition it can pick out from high saline waters up to three cations, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, strontium or barium as neutral salts, to meet the process specification while the other ones are left in the treated water. The company says that this new approach is expected to have applications in many industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, oil and gas, and mining.

Adionics says that Selectex stands for selective extraction and is a derivation of its AquaOmnes® technology. AquaOmnes removes salts from saline water by liquid-liquid extraction whatever the salinity without being limited by any scaling barrier.