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Effective and proven ways to purify your water at home

Purifying your water at home is a great way to ensure your drinking water is free of harmful contaminants and impurities. It’s also a good idea when you don’t have access to clean water, such as camping or in an emergency. Here, Big Berkey Water Filters outlines some of the methods to clean and purify water at home and outdoors.

There are many different ways to purify your drinking water at home – some are inexpensive, some take more time and effort, but all of them will provide you with safe water to drink. Which method is best for you depends on your personal needs, resources, and budget.

Standard methods to purify your water at home


Distillation is the most effective method of purifying your drinking water. In distillation, the water is boiled to create steam, and then that steam rises into a separate container. The vapor then condenses back into purified drinking water. The steam dissolves contaminants and impurities while leaving behind any salt or minerals. This method is one of the more expensive water purification methods, but it’s very effective at removing harmful contaminants like bacteria and chemicals.


This method is inexpensive and can purify your water within minutes. You get an aluminum or stainless steel can, fill it with fresh water, and place it in direct sunlight. Ozone forms ozone gas when the light ultraviolet rays of the sun strike the water, which is created through a chemical reaction. This gas is highly effective at killing bacteria and viruses that may be in the water, such as salmonella, hepatitis A, and E-coli. Think of it as a portable water purification system that you can use! If you're going camping or hiking, you should consider bringing a small camping water treatment system.

Big Berkey water filter

This method is perfect for your home or office. It removes bacteria, viruses, and protozoa such as cryptosporidium, giardia, and amoeba. The filter is filled with carbon which acts as a tasteless and odourless granular activated charcoal. The oversized big berkey water filter removes the chlorine from your water, converts the ions of heavy metals into harmless compounds, and filters out organic contaminants like pesticides and herbicides. The filters also remove VOCs and other impurities. The filter lasts three months when you change it five times a day and will add many years of service if you change it every six months.

UV lamp purifiers

This is another excellent method for purifying your drinking water. A UV lamp cleaner uses a particular bulb that produces ultraviolet light and then bounces it off a reflector onto your water source. This type of purification is an effective and inexpensive way to remove most contaminants and impurities from your water. The major setback with this method is that you need to change the lamps every six months, which can get expensive over time.


Boiling is one of the least expensive ways to purify your water, but it does not remove many different contaminants. It will remove chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides from your water, sediment, and some chemical compounds. The boiling method will also help you reduce the amount of chlorine in your drinking water, which can be dangerous for people with asthma or other respiratory illnesses. The boiling process also causes the evaporation of any remaining minerals from your water.

Carbon filtration

Carbon filtration is a very effective way to remove virtually all impurities. It's a practical, affordable, easy-to-use method that removes chlorine from your water supply. As with any carbon filter, the time between changes will depend on how much sediment the water contains. This water purification method is one of the most economical and versatile methods used around your home or work.

Solar still 

This simple method can be a great way to purify your water during outdoor activities or when you're in an emergency and have no access to clean drinking water. It can be used for small groups of people, and it’s also helpful in removing salt from your drinking water. Because this method involves evaporation and condensation, the result will be very fresh-tasting drinking water safe to drink. This process can eliminate bacteria, viruses, and the most harmful contaminants from the drinking water.

Seaside plant purifier

This simple method of purifying your water can be used in a survival situation. It's cheap to make and effective at removing bacteria, viruses, and biological contaminants from your drinking water. This method will also eliminates salty and bitter tastes from your drinking water and removes the foul odour that can sometimes come with dead fish.


You can use a tea bag to filter water easily. Place the tea bags in a large container and add enough water to cover them. Let the tea soak for 30 minutes, then strain the water and drink it. You can use a few tea bags over an extended period if you don't want to change them out often. You can also use perforated tea filters or coffee filters as an alternative to using other types of teabags.

Charcoal purification

Charcoal purification is one of the most effective ways to purify your water. The presence of charcoal will absorb any poisonous chemicals and heavy metals from the water. Charcoal also absorbs radioactive isotopes and other impurities present in your drinking water. To create a charcoal filter, you will need to fill a coffee maker or paper filter with activated charcoal.

Safe drinking water can be easy with a water purification system or treating water with alternative methods you might already have. Water is anything but cheap, so it's crucial to find ways to keep your water supply clean and free from contaminants. A backpack Bottle keeps your water clean for a long time.

Cleaning drinking water is about more than just drinking clean, safe water. It is necessary for fastidious activities, from cooking to bathing to flushing the toilet. You might have guessed that many methods for cleaning water have been developed over the years. These methods are designed to take advantage of various properties of water: water dissolves other chemicals, reacts with oxygen, and can be heated or cooled and purified or boiled down.

There are many ways to clean your drinking water. There are a lot of water purification products on the market, but some of them can be expensive. A way to get clean drinking water for free is to use natural cleaning methods. So, you can use the methods mentioned above to clean and purify your drinking water inexpensively.